    The first idea why to establish the Geomorphology-Quaternary like group, was to find some space, where would be possible to comunicate on-line with other people interested in Quaternary studies. Other people opinions was supposed to be usefull for interdisciplinary terminology improvement. After all it seemed to us to be more usefull to establish something like club organisation to associate together researchers from different disciplines as well as students and amateours.

    The main idea is to help to interdisciplinary cooperation and so to contribute in increase of science values of grants and different types of research. The next aim of this organization life is to inform wieder public and to popularize the news connected with Quaternary studies. The part of popularization is the quaternary meetings organization or helping to organize the similar type of actions.

    The Geomorphology-Quaternary group is the part of the Czech Geological Society associated within the Czech Academy of Sciences v.v.i. In the case that you would be interested to become a memmber of this society or to contribute on social life of our group, please contact ushere.

    There you can find the records of some meetings or other actions which were organised by Geomorphology-Quaternary group, or about which our group informed wieder public.

Copyright (c)2007 Lenka Lisá contact & Mikuláš Balabán contact